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The 5 elements come together to make up all matter, living and nonliving.

Each biological dosha energy, Vata, Pitta and Kapha, has a vital role to play in our health and well being.

Vata is the intelligence behind all movement in the body.

Pitta is the intelligence that governs metabolism, transmutation, and the acid-alkali balance.

Kapha energy helps to build up bulk in the body.

However “Vatas dosha body types” or the people whose Vata energy tends to go out of balance, are Air and Space element dominant. This leads to a much higher circulation than other body types.

Pitta dosha body types” are Fire and Water dominant, their Pitta or digestive/combustive functions are higher.

Kapha dosha body type” is Earth and Water dominant, their building up function is higher than circulation and digestion. Let’s see how all this comes together.

There are a total of ten body types, you already know the main three are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

And there are also an additional seven sub-body types based on combination types like Vata-Pitta, Pitta-Vata, Pitta-Kapha, Kapha-Pitta, Vata-Kapha, and Kapha-Vata, plus Vata-Pitta-Kapha, a body type where all three doshas tend to go out of balance in equal proportions.

This Ayurveda quiz might also reveal that you are a combination of more than one doshas, or imbalances, like a Vata-Pitta or a Pitta-Kapha. Double trouble!

You may recognize some of your friends and family here.

Ayurveda Body Type Dosha Quiz Result: VATA BODY TYPE

Thin long bones and angular joints of a beautiful Vata body.

If you mostly picked qualities in option 1 to describe yourself, you are a Vata body type.


This simply means by nature Vata types have highly functioning circulatory systems within their bodies.

Because of this Vatas are prone to losing moisture from their skin, have erratic hunger, and stay lean and skinny no matter what they eat.

When a Vata displays a negative state of mind, their skin feels dry, mind spirals into anxiety and they develop signs of digestive disturbance like gas, bloating and constipation.

Vata people tend to be skinny minnies; when the weather turns cold, they have cold hands and itchy toes, dry skin and they are more likely to suffer from anxiety, restlessness, arthritis, and constipation.

Think of a peeled fruit sitting on a countertop, how would you protect it? You do the same for your beautiful Vata body to balance.

Read more about your Vata body type and sub-body type hereGet to know about diet, imbalance, and how to manage your Vata body.

In Conclusion

If you have enjoyed this Ayurveda body type quiz consider joining my private Facebook group. I will directly be responding to your questions.

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See you there!

Hi, I am Salila..

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